
Stop thumping President Trump

President Trump will grow into the job of the presidency but he has stated that 'America First' in his decisions, which is what every American president is sworn into office to do. He [President Trump] isn't hiding anything or doing U-turns, as is the case with so many political figures who just want to get elected and will say anything to get voted in.

If anyone understands what is going on in Mexico will have sympathy with Mexicans who are being beheaded by the drug and criminal cartels who export their destructive drugs over the border to the United States of America. Americans are also suffering with the crime, killings and assassinations this illegal activity is producing in American neighbourhoods. So President Trump's solution is to have a wall to prevent Mexicans from crossing the border especially the cartel's drug mules. It's not the whole solution, but it will help in the bigger picture facing this border area.

Security measures that is creating controversial shockwave's in travel bans of seven of the most unstable and weakest governed countries - Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen and the unnecessary and unfounded point is that it's a Muslim ban, which is absolutely untrue. If this was a Muslim ban then the other Islamic countries around the world would have faced the same travel ban.

Any American President would have done the same as the refugee exodus from Syria is continuing and Islamic State are losing territory, and will fight-back any which way - including sending fighters posing as refugees to gain entry into America, like they've done already throughout Europe and carried-out terrorist attacks.

President Trump has said he wants to give back the right to work and have employment to those who have seen many American companies either closed-down or moved their operations like manufacturing to China, creating what is known as the rust belt.

President Trump will get America back to the powerhouse it once was in his presidency.

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