• European Union will destroy itself before it ever reforms
  • European Union accelerates to create a Federal superstate
  • Eradicating nations intergovernmental organisations

Even the American President Trump has said it publicly, "More tough negotiations with the EU," and get some backbone as many Brexiteers are demanding of Theresa May's Conservative Government. 

The European Union has agreed in a short space of time - not the months or years as some of the Remain camp predicted, to start to move the UK's exit of the European Union, with a preliminary deal that opens the door to the economic agreement between the UK and EU. 

Though the European Union still do not understand the history of British and Irish politics. The UK and Irish border will not hamper both nations relations, as the Good Friday Agreement was negotiated between Britian and the Irish Republic not the European Union. 

We see the usual suspects Tony Blair, Nick Glegg, Vince Gable as well as others including Gina Miller are all maling a comeback to halt and reverse the will of the British people who voted 52% to get-out of the doomed and ever increasing centralised bureaucratic political union of the European Federal Superstate - that no-one in the UK, let alone on the European continent ever voted for in the first place! 

Again we hear the voices from Remainers who say the European Union is open to reform and improve the mountainous bureaucracy that enslaves the current 28 nations including the UK. 

But when Tony Blair was the British Prime Minister and became President Blair of the European Union Parliament, he tried and failed to reform the European Union. 

When David Cameron was the British Prime Minister he too wanted to reform and even engaged in a re-negotiation of the British relationship within the European Union - which not only resulted in being laughed at by German Chancellor Angela Merkelm but he dodged a slap from the President of the European Union - Jean-Claude Juncker. 

The European Union will rather destroy itself that reform, which is clear in forcing and strangling the remaining 27 nations ever increasing centralised political union. 

The Germans don't want to change the status quo as they are the market-force leaders of the European Union, which see an ever increasing strong dominant Germany, which is what the Germans really want - to rule Europe. 

The European Economic Community (EEC) should have just been that, instead of morphing into a political union. 

Eradicating trade tariffs amongst European nations including the United Kingdom isn't a bad thing, but again it comes to the question of wrapping and encasing nations together into a 'one-size' fits all political union system, which means nations in the European Union cannot trade independently outside of the European Union. 

Countries like the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and the Netherlands meant it turned its back on former colonial states, and the subsequent organisations like the British Commonwealth and the French Francophile are made ineffective and cause deep divisions from countries that were once ruled by these nations, and the centuries old trade, cultural and historical links were broken. 

For the British Commonwealth many nations are queuing-up to sign trade deals in order to add wealth to some of the poorest countries in the world. This is also extended to the United States of America where the American President Donald Trump is eager and enthusiastic for the Anglo-American direct trade, cultural and historical links to be restored unfettered - by the ever-increasing strangulation of the European Union as an intergovernmental organisation, sapping the life out of great nations like the United Kingdom. 

 At this moment in time many people are saying the Conservative Government hasn't got a clue as to how to implement Brexit. 

The simple solution is to break-off ties with the European Union and go on World Trade Tariffs, which are about 9% and this will let the British Government to be free to establish trade links with countries around the world. 

This idea the European Union is the only place to trade and create prosperity is a false one. 

The divorce bill of something like £40bn to over £100bn shows just how thirsty Jean-Claude Juncker and his merry men of the European Union really are.

Don't worry folks, the future is much more brighter than anyone in the EU is willing to admit. 

Just keep the faith and be proud of the United Kingdom.