The European Union unemployment figures are not only alarming but totally unacceptable. The Brexit vote for the United Kingdom showed European Union politicians that it just isn't working-out for anyone who is at the bottom to the middle of the economic pie. 

European leaders who have condemned the British voters are just not seeing the disaster that is happening in each European country.

With the main powerhouse countries in the European Union - France, Spain, Italy and Germany - once the United Kingdom leaves, are already heading for an economic collapse which will eclipse the '20's and '30s Great Depression era.

We look at the figures and out of the 508 million citizens in the European Union 8.5% are currently unemployed, which goes up to 20.3% for the amount of youth unemployment within the European Union.

This means approximately just under ten percent of the European Union is unemployed, which equates to just under fifty million citizens.

When European Union citizens are told to keep taking the same pills that are heading towards total deprivation by EU leaders and politicians, that is why so many EU citizens are now voting against the European Union political unionisation of the European continent.

The European Union unemployment figures for the following countries:
  • Greece - 23.2%
  • Spain - 19.3%
  • Italy - 11.7%
  • France - 10.2%
  • Germany - 4.1%
Germany being the European Central Bank (ECB) powerhouse country will be brought-down by the high levels of unemployment and sovereign debt that needs to be covered once countries like France, Spain and Italy get into more financial difficulties and default on their high levels of borrowing and out of control public spending budgets.

Quite clearly the European Union isn't working and will tear itself apart and create more unemployment for millions of European citizens before the European leaders and politicians will finally wake-up and see sense.

Figures supplied by Eurostat.