Why are Europeans rejecting the European Union?

Is it because the British people have opened the door to the possibility of not only regaining sovereignty, but becoming part of the world rather than just the European continent.  

Quite clearly what's been happening is the disaster of switching from the European Economic Community (EEC) into the European Union (EU), which is a political unionisation of sovereign nations being reduced into member states. 

When you surrender your sovereignty who takes that control of nations? 
 Interestingly Adolf Hitler stated that Germany should use the political and economic means to dominate Europe, after his [Hitler] failed in his quest to make Germany the powerhouse of Europe.

So, we have the European Union dominated by Germany and the Euro currency controlled in Germany with the European Central Bank (ECB) located in Frankfurt, Germany.

When the current German Chancellor Angela Merkel stands-up and speaks in Germany, she is giving instructions to the EU Member States and its in the form of dicatating rather than coming to an agreement to be beneficial to all of the remaining 27 EU Member States.

We see the recent history of Greece being bullied into taking the economic policies handed-down by the Troika, which is basically under the control of the ECB and Germany.

The former French president Francois Hollande struggled to get French concessions in the European Union. While Francois Hollande backed Angela Merkel in the hope that France would be on-par with Germany as a powerhouse nation in Europe and the European Union, but got cut-down and often got politically humiliated.

European citizens has seen extra laws and regulations, which has helped to stop entrepreneur activity and oddly has bolstered conglomerates into having a monopoly across the European Union.

The old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) showed us that political unionisation doesn't work because the Eastern Bloc like the European Union only serves the strongest country - Germany, and aims to service and supply the strongest nation - Germany.

The idea of 500 million people able to cross the borders of 27 EU Member States isn't affecting the poorest or smallest EU Member States, but is having huge problems on social services like housing, hospitals and the infrastructure of the richest EU Member States like the UK.

When the refugee exodus mainly from Syria exploded the European Union showed how indecisive and incompetent they were, and now many EU Member States like Greece, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia are reinstating borders with high fences, walls and sophisticated CCTV equipment to keep-out unwanted persons mainly the refugees because of high levels of public disorder and EU citizens unhappy about this influx.

The debt levels of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain channels huge monetary resources to these EU Member States as well as trying to mordenise Eastern European countries such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania, which puts economic stress on the richest nations such as the UK.

The tax harmonisation that President of the European Union Commission Jean-Claude Juncker will cripple most of the remaining 27 EU Member States, which we are already seeing with the French yellow shirts protests at the rise of fuel tax and living expenses.

In Italy the European Union has pressurised the anti-EU Lega Nord - Five Star Movement - Brothers of Italy - parties forming the Italian government within a coalition structure - into economic austerity programmes, which will add further hardship and poverty to a country that has spiralling debts and an interest rate that doesn't fit the Italian economy.

In the Netherlands with have the growing support for Nexit, as Dutch living standards are falling-down to record levels, again the Euro currency and interest rate set across the European Union does not reflect the Dutch economy.

Even in the Eastern EU Member States are understanding that taking EU funds, investment and grants to help to build-up their respective countries they have to fall-in-line and accept EU laws, otherwise financial and political penalities will be placed on these Eastern EU Member States.

While a very worrying situation is happening within Germany with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) has gained parliamentary seats in the Bundestag and though an anti-EU political party they are very hostile to the vast amounts of immigrants within the Federal Republic of Germany, which can be seen as a return to the days of Adolf Hitler's - Nazi-Germany dictatorship regime.

With the President of the European Union Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the President of the European Union Council Donald Tusk not listening to the European Union citizens further protests, disruption and social and political unrest will ensue and engulf the European Union and EU Member States for the forseeable future.