
North Korea - The Game Is Up

North Korea had a big wake-up call from the United States of America due to the rhetoric from the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un back in mid-2017, which American President Donald J. Trump responded by saying, "rocket man is on a suicide mission," if North Korean ballistic missiles reached American territories and also American and Western allies in Asia. 

North Korea's main ally China were so worried that Kim Jong-un wasn't listening to them and they feared that North Korea would have ended-up pointing a few nuclear ballistic missiles at Beijing.

Something the Chinese didn't think would have ever happened.

The vision of the Kim dynasty is to eventually be powerful and be taken seriously on their own merits, without the need to rely on support from communist comrades in China and the former communist state of Russia (USSR).

Now, after years of beavering away North Korean nuclear scientists - with direct support from China and the old USSR, we had a situation that threatened peace, prosperity and survival of our planet, Earth! 

What happened to curb the Kim Jong-un's urge to become a nuclear powerhouse nation not just in the region, but to make the Americans ears prick-up and take the Kim dynasty and North Korea seriously?

President Trump put pressure on China to get them to put the thumb screws on Kim Jong-un's regime, which at first did little. However, with the threat to block Chinese trade access to America, the Chinese listened and supported new sanctions placed on North Korea, which was passed in the United Nations in August 2017. 

With the Sino-American trade war in full effect, the Chinese are in a tricky situation as under the Obama administration the American government borrowed 'red' money from the Chinese, which was heavily criticised at the time. However, if America wanted to harm the Chinese, they could refuse to repay the American debt and this would bankrupt China. Another tactic the Americans can use is to devalue the dollar, which deflates the debt mountain and China still loses.  

Totally out-of-the-blue and which blindsided everyone across the world American President Donald J. Trump held a summit-meeting on the Korean peninsula to hammer-out a deal, which would see North Korea abandon their nuclear weapons programme. 

There was real opposition within the American Establishment for this summit-meeting not to go ahead with Kim Jong-un. 

The American president and North Korean leader got on well and a deal was reached. The most important point of the agreement was the nuclear facilities to be destroyed and the nuclear weapons programme to be dismantled. Recent reports have indicated the North Koreans have scaled-back their nuclear facilities, rather than totally abandoning their nuclear weapons programme, unbeknownst to the United States, China and Russia.

This isn't a real problem as the balance of power is still in the hands of the Americans, with their closest ally the United Kingdom, as the influential power-force across the globe. 

The Japanese are cautious over the Jong-un-Trump peace summit deal agreed two years ago on the Korean peninsula, because they have already been intimidated by Kim Jong-un's actions of two North Korean intercontinental ballistic missiles landing in North Japan.

The Japanese find themselves in a difficult position because of what they did in the Asian region during WWII. However, Japanese pacifist laws was changed for them to be able to use military force with the blessing of their guardians the United States of America.  

Even India has become nervous as they've had border issues with China, which broke-out into a short war in 1962, and skirmishes in 1967 and 1987, and view China and North Korea as communist bedfellows threatening Indian interests and the integrity of their country if North Korea decided to launch a nuclear missile on Delhi. 

The world was on a cliff-edge of war in the Asian region. The US, China and even Russia have done their work well to avert such a disaster. 

What is the long-game vision for North Korea?

Kim Jong-un has already stated he wants North Korea to enter the global stage as equal partners with his neighbours and the United States. He [Kim Jong-un] also wants a rich and prosperous country, so the game is definitely up.

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