Why the UK voted-out of the EU?

Sovereignty went to Brussels, instead of the House of Commons.

Free movement of workers only benefited the smaller and poorest countries, mostly from Eastern Europe rather than for the British workers.

Increases in taxation and financial contribution to the European Union.

The UK can't trade as a sovereign country, even countries in The Commonwealth realms where the UK and Commonwealth countries have historical, cultural and trade links dating back centuries.

The special arrangement of the Anglo-Irish Travel Free Agreement, which allows a borderless zone between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland has to go through the European Union, thus taking sovereignty away from the UK, which Northern Ireland is part of the Union of the UK.

The special relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom is restricted in certain areas such as trade deals due to the membership of the European Union.

The ever increasing harmonisation of EU policy for greater political and economic intergration, which is eroding power and sovereignty for all EU Member States, which in the end will only become provinces rather than sovereign independent nations.

The British youth disadvantaged by having lack of opportunities due to employers choosing migrant workers from the EU, thus stopping the British youth from gaining experience, qualifications and apprenticeships in the construction, engineering, technological sector, as well as low paid and low skilled jobs.

Students unable to do part-time or weekend work to get the necessary social and work ethic skills required once they have finished their education.

Communities changing so fast and beyond recognition, causing social tensions and unrest.

Waiting lists for doctors, dentists and hospital places and A&E departments are overwhelmed due to high levels of economic migrants mostly from Eastern EU Member States.

Restoration of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland and The Commonwealth realms.

The refugee problem mostly from Syria and North Africa showed how people can enter an EU Member State and travel freely to the UK to get full benefits of what British nationals are entitled to without contributing first.

The EU wasn't willing to reform and give the UK concessions under the premiership of David Cameron and expected the British people to fall-into-line, as the Irish [Republic] did when they rejected a change to the EU Constitution that directly changed the Republic of Ireland's sovereign constitution as a result.

Ordinary British citizens rejected the EU policies that affect farming and fishing sectors, especially on quotas and the export of food, lifestock and fish.

The restoration of The English Channel rather than the EU's preference of just calling it The Channel or Le Channel in France.

Return to pounds and onuces as weight measurements and overturning criminal convictions handed-down to greengrocers and market stall traders when the EU forced the UK to change into grams and kilos.

All goods that are imported from non-EU countries the customs and excise tax duties are handed-over to the European Union, which currently amounts to £190bn from the UK alone.

The UK exports 9% to the EU, while 91% is global exports to the rest of the world - outside of the European Union.