
Brexit: What Crisis?

What is all this fuss about a Brexit crisis?

The British people voted to leave the European Union without all of this added-on gimmicks, such as deals, splitting Northern Ireland from mainland Britain in this backstop with the European Union or delaying Article 50 until British politicians want what they 'personally' want out of Brexit. 

The Irish Backstop is no-negotiable
Vice-President of the European Union
         Frans Timmermans

Majority of the UK's parliament are Remainers; thus all of this negative talk about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland not being able to stand-on our own two feet in this world is not only defeatist, but not having faith and pride in this great global nation - The UK. 

Being a small mass land the United Kingdom has, and will always punch above its weight, and this is why the UK is the fifth worlds largest economy, which is not under jeopardy because of our reach and influence across the world.

European leaders are not worried for the United Kingdom leaving the European Union as expressed by the German President Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

European leaders are worried for the European Union as they see on the horizon that the people of France, Netherlands, Denmark and other EU Member States want to walk away from the European Union and be the masters of their own fate. 

British Remain MP's may want to seize control of Parliament in an undemocratic purge of power from the people to prevent Brexit, but when the 29th March deadline comes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will be out of the European Union for good - no turning-back.

The Withdrawal Agreement will not be re-opened
European Union President Jean Claude Juncker
European Union President of the Parliament Donald Tusk

In an exciting twist Portugal is defying the European Union when it comes to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union; by treating the UK as a valued partner and the Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa has said he'll do "a trade deal" with the UK, especially as the UK is an important trade partner and Portuguese tourism is mostly from British holidaymaker's.

A lot of the smaller EU countries view the United Kingdom just as important and may well defy the EU bureaucrats and openly trade and welcome investment and tourists to help bolster their economies and infrastructure.

The United Kingdom's mission in Europe has always been defensive especially against France, The Kingdom of Spain and Germany. 

However, the United Kingdom has always been drawn to defend Europe and aggression between European countries hence WW1 and WWII, which has been paid for in blood, sweat and a lot of tears.

Now, there is peace most notably between France and Germany, it is only right that the mission has been successful for the United Kingdom and it is time to withdraw from the European Union. 

Eventually the leaders of the European Union and EU Member States will come to their senses and trade freely with the United Kingdom and without the Irish backstop. 

Those that are not happy with the United Kingdom leaving the European Union - all you need is the hope, pride and confidence that the British Brexiteers already have in abundance. 

Therefore, where is this crisis? 


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