
The Democrats circulating Trump

The Democrats wanting to return to the White House

Hillary Clinton's campaign to dethrone Donald Trump

Investigation into collusion with the Russians

When Donald Trump was elected president of the most powerful country in the world, it shocked not only Americans - but everyone else around the world.


However, little did the Trump administration know that The Democrats under the leadership of presidential hopeful and desperate in becoming the first American woman president of the United States - Hillary Clinton, was to launch a campaign to destabilise Donald Trump and his administration by a smear campaign.

The actions of Hillary Clinton have led to a Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) into whether it was the Russians who got the Americans to vote Donald Trump into the White House.

But this campaign against Donald Trump has backfired, who at times looked like the New York gangster John Gotti whose nickname was Telfon Don, because the charges didn't stick.

So, what was the next tactic?

Well, if you can't get The Boss, then go after the lieutenants, after all who'll have a better chance of succeeding in getting to The Boss - Donald Trump.

The Democrats have the Clinton dynasty still a major-force, even if it's in the background pulling the levers and strings in order to dethrone their biggest enemy - Donald Trump. 

Another interesting piece to the jigsaw is the possibility of Hillary Clinton spreading the revenge net wider in the fact that the Republican Party back in the '90s had a campaign to have her husband in his presidency Bill Clinton impeachment over the affair with White House intern - Monica Lewinsky. 

Both scenarios have the same imprint of seeking revenge and the act of dethroning, but this could backfire on The Democrats as voters get turned-off with this backbiting and creating division in politics and amongst the American people; instead of focussing on making America Great!

The FBI investigation, which has seen a few casualties - former FBI Director James Comey to start-off with, was fired by President Trump and now the person appointed to investigate whether the American President is working for the Russians is headed by the former FBI Director Robert Mueller.

The people around Trump's 2016 presidential campaign are being rounded-up and are being forced to confess their illegal behaviour in contacting the Russians via the Russian Embassy in Washington D.C. 

The list so far of people being convicted as a result of the FBI's Russian collusion investigation are not going to prison for working with the Russians but for financial fraud and campaigning violations and other misdemeanours - Paul Manafort - Campaign Chairman is awaiting sentencing (March, 8th 2019) and Trumps former lawyer and aide Michael Cohen has already been handed-down a three-year prison sentence. 

But the kingpin, which The Democrats really are licking their lips is Roger Stone. 

Roger Stone is the closest person to Donald Trump. He [Roger Stone] is a lifelong friend of the American President and served under Richard Nixon, hence the double arm spread victory signs, which is reminiscent of his former boss standing on the top steps before entering the presidential helicopter on the White House lawn, on his last day as American president in 1974. 

Roger Stone is a strong and defiant character and much praised by Donald Trump, as a true friend. 

But the FBI investigators and the Attorney's Office know how to crack a tough nut. 

American justice is not a case of proving your innocence, but how to navigate where the investigators want you to go and most importantly how to reduce a prison sentence to the bare minimum. 

So, Roger Stone may be defiant now, but there are rumblings even he may start to crack and save his soul from a lengthy sentence behind bars. 

Still, the one person The Democrats haven't got close to, is still the American President Donald Trump. 

Probably like Bill Clinton who survived being impeached, even though he lied about not having relations with that woman, could bounce-back into 2019, and the American people will still have their democratically elected President - Donald J. Trump. 

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