
Brexit: The Stitch-up

Donald Tusk - Theresa May

  • The United Kingdom didn't leave the EU on the 29th March
  • The EU wants to stop Brexit by granting an extension
  • The British people are fuming

We were supposed to have left the European Union on the 29th March 2019.

So, what happened?

Well, the British Prime Minister Theresa May is working for the European Union rather than for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

After nearly three weeks of votes in the House of Commons trying to get a deal amongst the British politicians - rather than thinking of the 17.4 million British leave voters. 

The British people who voted leave didn't vote for deals, backstops and all the other cons that the British Prime Minister Theresa May and the rest of the politicians who want to scupper the true independence of the United Kingdom of Great British and Northern Ireland. 

Leavers protesting at the House of Commons

Continually and constantly the British Prime Minister Theresa May said to the British people,
 "We are going to have a Red, White and Blue Brexit," and "No-Deal is better than a Bad Deal!"

Now the British people have lied to and given false information as to what is really happening in Westminster and Brussels. 

Despite the resignations of Boris Johnson and Brexit Secretary David Davis both stating that the United Kingdom would be a "vassel" state - still within the power clutches of the European Union; but there still was hope that Brexit was going to be delivered to the British people.

Boris Johnson - David Davis

Even with a Cabinet that is evenly split between Remainers and Leavers there was hope that Brexit would happen.

For the past three years since Theresa May sent the letter triggering Article 50 to President of the European Union Council Donald Tusk, there was hope that on the 29th March 2019, the United Kingdom would have left the European Union - even if that meant without a deal. 

British Prime Minister - Theresa May

But the British people stood by and gave the British Prime Minister Theresa May the benefit of the doubt and expected Brexit to have been delivered by the departure date of the 29th March 2019.

However, now the British people are fuming, and Brexit is dead and buried!

The Remainer MPs especially Yvette Cooper who successfully got the legislation through to stop the United Kingdom leaving the European Union without a deal; which means Brexit will not be achieved. 

British Prime Minister Theresa May was prevented in putting her failed Withdrawal Agreement (mostly written by the European Union Commissioners) by Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow, because voting papers that have been defeated and rejected by British MPs cannot keep happening under British rules and laws of parliamentary procedures. 

Speaker of the House of Commons - John Bercow

But then the new tricks came into play as British Prime Minister Theresa May decided to leave-out the future political union agreement of the Withdrawal Agreement, in order to get half of the Withdrawal Agreement through the House of Commons. 

But this was still rejected by the British MPs and this had led to the nails-in-the-coffin for this worse of all deals with the European Union. 

We have all heard of Project Fear scenarios of a No-Deal Brexit.

However, the Mayor of Calais Natacha Bouchart and the President of the Hauts de France Xavier Bertrand both have said they will not impede trade between France and the United Kingdom. 

Natacha Bouchart - Mayor of Calais

President of the Hauts de France - Xavier Bertrand

Countries that share a unifed culture with the United Kingdom in Europe - Denmark, Sweden and Norway have all ststed that they will not introduce restrictions to trade, even if that means defying the European Union.

German businesses particularly BMW are applying pressure on the German government to be favourably to the United Kingdom, as British trade constitutes to 55% of German exports.

Further south of the European continent Portugal welcomes British holidaymakers without restrictions and surprisingly The Kingdom of Spain has voiced opposition to the Commissioners of the European Union in restrictive and draconian measures sought against the United Kingdom.

So, a No-Deal doesn't mean that trade and travel ceases, it just means that the fat-cat Commissioners of the European Union just don't get financially rewarded for putting draconian and restrictive rules and legislation on the interaction between sovereign nations.

Still, the British Prime Minister Theresa May is still a servant of the European Union Commissioners and not the British people.

Jean-Claude Juncker - Donald Tusk

While the extension period lasts until the 31st October 2019, this means that the United Kingdom is not only liable to keep on paying billions of pounds to the coffers of the European Union, but now means to be pushed into the European Elections next month.

The Conservative MPs who voted to keep Theresa May in her Premiership position, are now reconsidering because the British electorate are going to punish not only the Conservatives but The Labour Party as well. 

A recent Sky News poll put 92% of voters: Say they will not vote for a Conservative or Labour at the next European Elections and the ensuing [British] General Election. 

With the formation of Brexit political parties, with Nigel Farage officially launching his Brexit Party, will have 17.4 million voters to fight against the political establishment in Westminster in both the European Elections and General Election.

Nigel Farage - Brexit Party

With more anti-EU political parties gaining more seats in the European Union parliament, we will see heated arguments and frustrations of these parties like Nigel Farage's Brexit Party voting against more powers going to the European Union, especially the formation of the dreaded EU Army, which many Brits and Europeans see as a way of suppressing the people and starting a conflict with Russia. 

Brexit has been lost to the Remainer British Prime Minster Theresa May and the rest of the Remainer MPs, who, really do not want Brexit to happen. 

The British people will never surrender to gaining their independence of a sovereign nation.

The fightback has just begun!

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