European Elections 2019

Brexit Won!

  • The Brexit Party demolishes Labour and the Conservatives 

  • The British people just want to leave the European Union

  • The British people give aclear message to the Government

The Brexit Party hasn't just won but overwhelmingly beaten The Labour Party and The Conservative Party, with a record breaking twenty-nine elected Members of the European Parliament (MEP).

Never in the history of British politics has a political party that is six weeks old, has taken two of the major and longstanding political parties and beaten them in an election.

The Brexit Party under the stewardship of Nigel Farage got 5,248,533 British voters to vote for the only political party in the United Kingdom, that is dedicated in delivering Brexit - whereas The Conservatives and The Labour Party has not wanted to deliver an exit from the European Union (EU) as voted for in the 2016 EU Referendum.

This is giving the Government a loud message that the British people voted for Brexit, and that's what they want and expect!

Not only was the North East and North West the heartlands of The Brexit Party, and where Nigel Farage held numerous rallies to drum-up support for The Brexit Party; but these areas were once the safest seats for The Labour Party for over a century. 

The most impressive and historical part to The Brexit Party annihilating both the Labour and Conservative vote combined, restructing the political landscape in Great Britain for good. 

Not only was the North an important victory for The Brexit Party, but the South West got 611,742 and saw the return to politics Ann Widdecombe, but Brexit leader Nigel Farage got just under a million votes in his South East region. 

The surprises didn't stop just in England but carried through into the Welsh valleys, with The Brexit Party beating Plaid Cymru and only allowing one Labour candidate to represent Wales in the European Parliament. 

Even in Scotland The Brexit Party got a seat, denying The Labour Party any representation in Scotland for the first time in thirty-five years. In fact, The Labour Party has lost the most votes since 1910, which has led to ousted Labour MEP David Martin saying that The Labour Party should have had a "Remain" position, which is his assessment of The Labour Party getting re-elected in Scotland.

The Scottish National Party is going to do well in Scotland and got three MEPs, while the Conservatives came in last collecting just one seat.

Closer to the Westminster bubble London, which is cosmopolitan Remain capital city managed to elect two Brexit Party MEP candidates to the European Parliament. 

East of England elected Richard Tice founding member of the pro-Leave organisations Leave Means Leave and the EU.Leave, with two other Brexit Party elected MEPs. 

East Midlands gave the Brexit Party another well-known named MEP Annunziata Rees-Mogg, the sister of Conservative MP for North East Somerset - Jacob Rees-Mogg, together with a further two more Brexit Party elected MEPs.

The fightback begun before the European Elections and is just six weeks old, but what a campaign in getting the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. 

The European Parliament and the European Commissioners haven't seen anything yet!

If they wanted to know how the British fightback for sovereignty and freedom, just watch ehat will happen to the European Commissioners beloved European Union project in the coming months. 

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has said, "Forget about support for the EU Army, forget about getting budgetary increases for the European Union and forget about stripping away more sovereignty and powers from Member States." 

These are the only things the European Union Commissioners are eager to implement to strangle Member States into submission and pillage the wealth created by hard working citizens of Member States. 

Already the political elite in The Labour Party and the Conservatives are still not listening to the will of the British people, and are already doing U-Turns and saying that Brexit cannot be achieved, and all they want to do is to 'Remain' part of the European Union. 

If you think The Brexit Party is going to dissolve once Brexit has been achieved, you're very much mistaken. Once the United Kingdom finally leaves the European Union, the Remainers in both Labour and the Conservatives are hatching plans to re-join the European Union; where the United Kingdom will lose all of its sovereignty and currency. 

So, when the new leader of the Conservatives has been elected, probably another General Election is on the horizon, where The Brexit Party will gain seats in the House of Commons to continue the fightback campaign. 

The British didn't surrender when all of Europe was occupied, and will never surrender their hard-fought sovereignty!