
US has Iran mapped out

The United States has Iran mapped out

Tehran - Iran

  • The United States has extensive intelligence on Iran

  • Iranian military capability will be undermined by US Forces

  • Secretly the Iranian regime is scared of US aggression

The United States has Iran mapped out for any future military attacks on the country.

Iran attacks oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz

Tensions are running at a record high in the Gulf region after the Iranian Revolutionary Guard maritime defence force shot down an American surveillance drone in the Strait of Hormuz on the 20th June 2019.

The Iranian regime has been a thorn in the Gulf, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon and Israel since Allotayah Khomeini returned to Iran and became the spiritual head of Iran and making it an Islamic State. 

The recent upheaval surrounds the United States withdrawal from the nuclear deal between Iran and the West, which includes Russia and China. 

The American President Donald Trump has stated that the Iranian nuclear deal was a bad deal and that Iran should never be allowed to have nuclear technology, which includes nuclear bombs. 

President Trump isn't alone on this issue as Saudi Arabia are very concerned of Iran having the capability of producing nuclear weapons and threatening peace in the Gulf and Middle East region. 

While the European Union under the direction of France, Germany and the United Kingdom plus Russia and China are involved in curtailing the nuclear weaponry aspect and allowing Iran to develop a peaceful nuclear programme, involving energy use.

Iranian Nuclear Energy Facility

But the Iranian regime is split between the fairly moderate President Hassan Rouhani and the Spiritual Leader Ali Khamenei who seems to want World War III! 

Ali Khamenei is pushing all of the levers in getting his way and allowing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to place bombs and mines to damage and seize oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz.

Oil Tanker is attacked in the Strait of Hormuz

What Iran really wants is to be able to have a nuclear bomb programme as they will become a Superpower in the region and beyond. 

If Iran develops a nuclear bomb then the first target would be enemy number one: The State of Israel. 

Iran's Nuclear Sites

The hatred towards the Israelis has led to past Iranian regimes to say they will drive the Jews into the [Mediterranean] Sea. 

To maintain hostilities between the Israelis and the Palestinians the Iranian regime over the years has funded paramilitary terrorist organisations - Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

Terrorist paramilitary organisation Hamas in Gaza

The Grace I oil tanker was seized by the Royal Navy as it went into Gibraltar terroritorial waters and was heading to Syria against European Union sanctions. 

So, in retaliation the Iranian regime seized the British flagged Stena ImperoLine oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz on the 19th July 2019. 

The United States has conducted many covert surveillance drone missions over the majority of Iranian territory, not to mention from spy space satellites. 

There is a real threat that war between the United States and Iran, which would be a war like no other, but in the end the United States would win in the end. 

That would also lead the way for the Israelis to eliminate Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon; as they would not have the support of their paymasters - Iran. 

So, a war would actually help the Gulf and the whole region around Iran to become more stable.

Not to mention that the Iranian people themselves are sick and tired of the extreme religious police state mentality that currently exists. 

The Iranian regime is secretly scared of the United States military might and are actually trying to save face and come to an agreement, even if this means surrendering their nuclear programme. 

With the Seventh Fleet which can have up to 80 ships that include aircraft carriers, submarines, destroyers as well as helicopters, surveillance drones and aircraft to mount one big shock and awe operation. 

The US Navy - USS Dwight D. Eisenhower

Apart from the United States allies such as the United Kingdom would have additional latest advanced technological military hardware and attack capabilities that will overwhelm any Iranian military force. 

The Royal Navy - HMS Duncan

At the insistence of the United States supported by the United Kingdom - France would be encouraged to join the fleet in defeating the Iranian regime.

The Gulf States would help in providing support by allowing airbases to be used and ports for repairs, maintenance and shelter to warships. 

Saudi Arabia would provide their attack capabilities and support on their East Coast, due to the tensions between the two countries. 

The obvious choice for the Iranian regime is to get support from Russia and China, which wouldn't include sending troops, aircraft or warships to engage directly with the United States and her allies. 

So, the best outlook for Iran is to cooperate and deescalate tensions in the region and work towards denuclearisation of the country and the region. 

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