
Green Communism

Extinction Rebellion 

Green Communism

  • Green policies hit the poorest in society
  • If you're rich you can pay to pollute
  • UK pollution levels are from Germany and France
The enviromental movement has been underway for sometime, but with new campaigners like Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg and a new group called Extinction Rebellion.

The methods to gain more publicity are becoming more outrageous with stunts of not going to school, holding people to ransom by blocking roads in Central London, all in the name of wanting to protect the environment. 

All of this is leading to a state of communism and a few individuals wanting humanity to return to the dark ages and live in caves, while living on berries, but be careful because consuming berries may lead to damaging the environment. 

A lot of claims that the world will be extinct within twelve years are total myths, based on pseudo-science. 


The truth of the matter is that most of these climate change scientists don't believe in what they are saying, and are coming out with these claims that the end-of-the-world is upon us for funding and financial purposes. 

If we have hot bursts of weather then this is down to climate change and then when it gets cold this is a result of climate change. Not the fact that we have seasons and they change throughout the year and operate in life-cycles. 

Every now and then we'll get hot weather from the Sahara Desert in the Northern part of Africa. In the Sahara Desert it is hot in the day and cold at night and has nothing to do with climate change - it is just the way the weather and earth operate. 

Similarly when half the world is awake the other half is asleep. The earth operates in halves and this also applies to natural, chemical and physical changes, that the earth goes through in its various stages. 

Long before Man arrived on Earth we had the Ice Age, the Age of Fire and then the Dinosaurs. 

So how do these scientists explain these phenomenon in the history of Earth?

Quite frankly, they cannot.

But somehow we get that every weather pattern that doesn't fit an environmental campaigner or group they want to get it backed-up, they'll get some scientist who is hard-up and wants some cash who will say anything with false information and charts to try and convince the population to give-up everything human beings have built on Earth, to make life better and more comfortable.

In the 1970s scientists said that in the year 2000 the ice caps in the South and North Pole will have melted and we'll all be living in houses supported on silts in the United Kingdom and Europe. 

But we are in 2020 and still the United Kingdom and Europe haven't had to resort to raising homes on silts. 

We have flooding and again this is used by the enviromental movement and again using scientists who need a quick buck to nod and say the things supporting these environmental campaigners and their organisations. 

There are tornados in Kansas and wildfires in California and again this is due to climate change. Absolutely not!

Kansas and California have these each year due to nature of the weather pattern and also the Ring of Fire, which circulates around the west coast of America and stretches round to Japan and parts of China. 

The Ring of Fire is the fault-lines of tectonic plates, which shifts then produces earthquakes, and has nothing to do with climate change or any other so called environmental damage by mankind. 

Then you'll hear from the island nations dotted around the Pacific Ocean, who are concerned about rising sea levels. 

It is not about the sea levels so much that these islands are only a few feet above sea level and will be prone in getting flooded, due to waht is happening underneath them on their underwater and underground plates that shift. 

Remember that when volcanos erupt it is the Earth's core that us seeping-up in a natural way and again has nothing to do with climate change or the impact of humanity. 

Then if its not fossil fuels then its the cows.

So the solution is to kill all of the cows and then we'll be saved!

The environmentalists will now not only infuriate Hindus who see the cow as sacred living creature, but the animal rights movement as well. 

Will the environmentalists say to cull humanity because our human bodies produce waste?

You start to get the idea. Where does this end?

The truth of the matter groups like Extinction Rebellion actually want us to live as long as they say.

Don't step out of line otherwise we'll cull you!

The same old mantra being churned-out.

Do as I say, not what I do.

How many Extinction Rebellion protesters use public transport?

Not enough! 

How many Extinction Rebellion protesters used an aeroplane to come to London?

Well at least one, the British actress Emma Thompson, took a flight from New York to London, on first class. 

But these forms of transport pollute as what Extinction Rebellion and all of their cohorts keep saying. 

Ironically Extinction Rebellion wants to disrupt Heathrow Airport, which is the main international airport into the United Kingdom. 

So, like the protest in Central London, the United Kingdom will lose billions in revenue and have extra policing costs. 

Not to mention all of the hard working British people who'll face financial hardship, but don't worry the environmentalists will get their pensions and unemployment benefits paid. 

How many Extinction Rebellion protesters actually have a full-time job?

Well, many of these Extinction Rebellion protesters are actually professional protesters, who are doing this in order to get paid and will say anything in order to achieve their own personal gains rather than what they are supposed to believe in. 

So these environmentalists around the world are very hypocritical, because they are not living in a cave in Afghanistan, but want all of us to live like that. 

The British Government has now passed a law that says all of the vehicles using British roads will be electric by 2050. 

We have the low emissions zone operating 24 hours a day in Central London, which doesn't affect the rich but the poor motorists who cannot afford to buy a new vehicle, electric hybrid or go fully electric.

Interestingly currently electric vehicle batteries cannot be recycled, so that means the Earth will be clogged-up with electric vehicle batteries. 

It is unrealistic to have a totally pollution-free world and the idea of relying on purely electric vehicles is just plain stupid. 

The pollution in London is due to German heavy industry and also comes from France, but the environmentalists and Extinction Rebellion only want to punish - like the European Union the British people, because we are an easy target. 

Not forgetting China whi have a new coal power station coming online per week. We didn't or don't see protest about the Chinese use of fossil fuel supposedly concerning climate change. 

People around the world have been recyling all sorts of goods and materials such as paper, cardboard, glass and tin cans. 

Many people walk short distances down the road instead of using their cars, but to ban everything because a few environmentalists say so, is nonsensical. 

If we leave the Earth to Extinction Rebellion we'll all be extinct, just like the dinosaurs a few millions years ago.


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